Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flooding and tornados in the US Midwest


It's my belief that no matter where you live in the world you are at risk for at least one type of natural disaster that can strike your region.  There are certainly places that are quite a bit safer than others from certain types of events most of the time, but even then you can have surprises.  For example, you can assume that if you live in San Francisco you are more susceptible to earthquake problems than someone living in Arkansas--until Arkansas gets hit by an earthquake as happened a couple of days ago!  However, it's safe to say that at some point every part of the world is going to be impacted by something from time to time, at least in a historical sense.  We had a tornado recently in Oregon's Willamette Valley, which is unusual to say the least, but the Midwest is frequently affected by these cyclonic storms.  Thus, if you live in that region (or other similarly-affected locales) you should especially have a plan to deal with the aftermath of the types of disaster described in the article above. 

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